Awesome Au Jus We're gearing up to do a redecoration of Benjamin's room. (I've started a pinboard on tweenboy room ideas--let me know if you've got any!) I stumbled on this awesome etsy store when I was looking for map art projects. Although I know it's a bit too young for Benjamin, it's not too young for me!
The Fuss Wondering what this God Particle is? This version of the news for non-nerds was helpful.
Good to Know We just got back from a big trip and packing is fun but stressful. These are great tips and diagrams from Real Simple for the perfect suitcase.
Made Me Laugh
Listen We own this CD and have listened to it many times. We picked up a used copy at a thrift store in Iowa so we had something to listen to in mom's car. Kevin got tired of it after a while, but I never get sick of this song. "Let's dim the daylights for the sweethearts that we are." "Avenues," Whiskeytown
Blogs I've been enjoying the collection of quotes and images on Self Inspiration. It's fun stuff I don't normally come across. (Though, I can't quite figure out what the blog is called: Self Inspiration, Que Sera Sera, Thinso Anyone? She seems to go by them all.)
Quoted “My thoughts are stars I can’t fathom into constellations.” --John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, via Self Inspiration.
Quoted I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this one. “Public opinion is always more tyrannical towards those who obviously fear it than towards those who feel indifferent to it.” --Bertrand Russell (via Happiness Project)
I love this video (via The Daybook) of 8 month old baby Grayson swimming. She's a natural.
Save me a spot at the bar!
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