School's out for summer. Or, at least until summer school starts.

Heroines. If you haven't seen Emma dressed as real-life heroines, get on it.

More here

Man-ups. I know I'm a year late to this party, but it's so fun I can't resist these pin-ups of men. Thanks @jess_candela for this one too.

Delightful and obsolete words. To fuzzle means to get someone drunk. Here are the others.

Super Cut of videos of kids signing in backseats if you're having one of those days.

Millennials are Delusional. We've all suspected this.
"Twenty-five percent of blossoming Boomers admitted that 'not wanting to work hard' might prevent them from getting a desired job."

Ghost Mom. I love that she vomits river water.

Hear Hear. Stop telling women to smile, an interesting street project.

Slash as Grammar. OI love how language changes and grows; it's a living creature. This is an interesting piece about how "slash" is used now as slang punctuation.

Mother's Day Cards. I know it's a bit late, but these are too true.

Women in Hats. It takes a confident woman to wear a hat with feathers.

Reading as a Writer. I so identify with the conflict of being a writer and a reader and reading as a writer as Amber describes it.

Save a spot for me.


  1. I'm all behind the curve too, but I finally did look at the Emma pictures, and they are great. So many ways to be a woman and kick ass! And the pinups are awfully fun. (I'm such a sucker for a man in fatigues. I blame Alan Alda.)

    1. I blame Alan Alda for being funny and cute and smart. I'm so disappointed when people aren't at least one of those.


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